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43 results for in All year levels

Sun (junior)

Junior Primary (Years 1 - 4)

The sun is at the centre of the Solar System. It is a round ball of hot plasma.The Earth orbits around the sun, which gives us warmth and light. The sun is m...

Entry last updated: 4/07/22
Sign language (junior)

Junior Primary (Years 1 - 4)

Sign language is the use of hands, body movements and face expressions to talk to people. The signs stand for letters, words or ideas and are used by people ...

Entry last updated: 17/06/22
Planets (junior)

Junior Primary (Years 1 - 4)

Planets are round objects that move in circles around stars. There are 8 planets in our solar system (including Earth), and 5 dwarf planets. These planets mo...

Entry last updated: 28/06/23
Mountains (New Zealand)

Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)

Aotearoa New Zealand is a mountainous country made up of the North and South Islands, with 60% of the South Island being covered in mountains. These mountain...

Entry last updated: 1/03/23
Floating and sinking

Senior Primary (Years 5 - 8)

Floating and sinking are about weight and the force or upthrust of water. When an object is put into water the force of the water pushes it up. If the weight...

Entry last updated: 4/10/23

Senior Primary (Years 5 - 8)

To recycle means to treat or process waste material (eg rubbish) so that it can be used again (reused). Recycling is important because it helps reduce pollut...

Entry last updated: 8/03/23
Global warming

Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)

Global warming is the long term rising of the Earth's temperature, caused by the greenhouse effect. The terms 'global warming' and 'climate change' are often...

Entry last updated: 25/05/22
Chinese New Year

Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)

Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year or the Spring Festival, is now one of the world's most celebrated festivals. It is the longest public holi...

Entry last updated: 28/03/24
1080 (sodium fluoroacetate)

Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)

1080 is a poison that has been used in New Zealand since the 1950s to control the populations of invasive species such as possums, rats, stoats, deer and rab...

Entry last updated: 25/05/22
World War One (junior)

Junior Primary (Years 1 - 4)

World War One, also called the First World War, took place between 1914 and 1918. It is called a 'world war' because so many different countries were involve...

Entry last updated: 1/12/23