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28 results for Topics and Regional Resources

New Zealand birds

Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)

Aotearoa New Zealand has many unique birds, from forest parrots to flightless birds, sea birds and birds of prey. In this entry we will show you how to find ...

Entry last updated: 12/03/25
Conservation (New Zealand)

Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)

Conservation is about preserving and protecting New Zealand's natural environment, wildlife and their habitats including marine reserves. This entry explore...

Entry last updated: 15/11/24

Senior Primary (Years 5 - 8)

The world of animals has been divided into different groups or classifications based on their characteristics. While some species of animals have been domest...

Entry last updated: 12/11/24
Animals (junior)

Junior Primary (Years 1 - 4)

The world has different kinds of animals. Animals belong to groups like mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, fish and more. Some animals are pets that live wit...

Entry last updated: 12/11/24
Pacific navigation

Senior Primary (Years 5 - 8)

In the early 13th to 17th century Māori, Polynesian and European voyagers journeyed to Aotearoa New Zealand for different reasons. They used waka (canoes), s...

Entry last updated: 28/11/24

Senior Primary (Years 5 - 8)

Flight is about being able to leave the ground and fly or move through the air. Birds fly, some insects fly and people use machines like planes, helicopters ...

Entry last updated: 15/01/25
Pets (junior)

Junior Primary (Years 1 - 4)

Pets are animals that people keep for company and enjoyment. There are many different types of pet animals, and it's important to know how to care for them.

Entry last updated: 28/11/24
Pest plants (New Zealand)

Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)

Pest plants are any plants that invade the native habitat of other plants. They spread so quickly that they cause harm to the environment, including native b...

Entry last updated: 22/01/25
Animals (New Zealand)

Senior Primary (Years 5 - 8)

New Zealand Aotearoa has many different kinds of animals. They include native animals that are indigenous to New Zealand, animals that can only be found in N...

Entry last updated: 11/12/24
Rocky shore (New Zealand)

Senior Primary (Years 5 - 8)

The rocky shore is a unique part of New Zealand's coastline and is a habitat which is home to many sea creatures, and shorebirds. The rocky shore is also at ...

Entry last updated: 31/01/25