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9 results for Topics and Regional Resources
The human body is made up of many different parts, all of which have a special function or job. When several parts work together they are called body systems...
Entry last updated: 16/01/25Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
Human rights are simply basic rights that every human is entitled to regardless of their nationality, age, ethnic origin, gender, religion or language. The U...
Entry last updated: 16/01/25Biology is a branch of science that studies organisms (living things) and their changes. It includes the study of cells, plants, animals and the human body. ...
Entry last updated: 15/01/25Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)
To meet our daily nutritional needs we all need to have a balanced diet. Having a balanced diet means choosing a variety of healthy food options during the d...
Entry last updated: 27/01/25Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)
Biology is the natural science that involves the study of life and living organisms from one-celled creatures to the most complex living organism of all - th...
Entry last updated: 14/11/24People have been interested in the Moon since ancient times. One of the reasons for this is that it is the most visible body in the sky, apart from the Sun. ...
Entry last updated: 6/12/24Food gives us energy, it helps us grow and it tastes good. We can get sick if we don't eat the right amount or right kind of food, or if we don't prepare it ...
Entry last updated: 16/01/25Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
Aotearoa New Zealand has many unique birds, from forest parrots to flightless birds, sea birds and birds of prey. In this entry we will show you how to find ...
Entry last updated: 12/03/25Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)
The Renaissance followed the Middle Ages in Europe. It lasted from the mid-14th century to the mid-17th century (1350-1650 AD), and was a time of great scien...
Entry last updated: 29/11/24