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67 results for Topics and Regional Resources
Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)
<On 10 July 1985, explosions on board the Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior sunk the ship in the Waitemata Harbour in Auckland. The ship had just taken part ...
Entry last updated: 11/12/24Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)
In 1981 the South African rugby team, the Springboks came to tour New Zealand. They had toured before, but the South African apartheid system was causing an ...
Entry last updated: 12/12/24World War Two (1939-1945) is also known as WW2, WWII, or the Second World War. This entry will show you how to find information about what daily life was lik...
Entry last updated: 28/11/24Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)
In the 1970s the New Zealand police went to the homes of Pacific Peoples who they believed had overstayed their visas or work permits. Many people were sent ...
Entry last updated: 17/01/25Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)
Classical music has developed and changed over hundreds of years. Music from each of the four main eras has a distinct sound as composers experimented with e...
Entry last updated: 16/01/25Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
The Musket Wars (1810 to 1830s) were a series of battles between Māori tribes throughout New Zealand. They began after Pākehā brought muskets (ngutu pārera) ...
Entry last updated: 27/11/242019 marked 250 years since the first meeting between Māori and the Europeans. This happened when James Cook, on board the Endeavour, sighted New Zealand on ...
Entry last updated: 16/01/25Historically people have been communicating with each other in many different ways. There is verbal communication, which uses sounds and spoken language, non...
Entry last updated: 14/11/24Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
Māori music has many important composers, some of whom use traditional mōteatea (chanted song-poetry), and others whose music includes introduced musical sty...
Entry last updated: 11/12/24Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
On 13 September 1975, around 5000 people marched from Te Hāpua in the North Island down to Parliament in Wellington. This Māori land march or hīkoi (march) l...
Entry last updated: 17/01/25