Lower Hutt | Te Awa Kairangi

Where can I find information about the local histories of Lower Hutt | Te Awa Kairangi?

Panorama photo of Lower Hutt taken from Belmont. It looks over the city to Matiu | Somes Island and Wellington Harbour.

Image: HuttValleyPanorama by Deanpemberton on Wikimedia Commons.

Lower Hutt | Te Awa Kairangi is a city in the Wellington Region. It is a great place to live, work and play. We'll show you the best websites, collections, and books to use to explore the histories of people, places, and events of Hutt City.

People of Lower Hutt

Here are some helpful websites and collections that you could use to learn about interesting and important people from the Hutt City area.

Learn about people of Lower Hutt

Places of Lower Hutt

Hutt City has many interesting places both from it's history and dedicated to it's history, we'll recommend some websites and collections you can use to find out about them.

Learn about places of Lower Hutt

Events of Lower Hutt

Many events have shaped Lower Hutt into what it is today. This page will give some examples and recommend resources that you might find useful to explore these histories.

Learn about events of Lower Hutt