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19 results for Topics and Regional Resources
In the early 13th to 17th century Māori, Polynesian and European voyagers journeyed to Aotearoa New Zealand for different reasons. They used waka (canoes), s...
Entry last updated: 28/11/24Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
Transportation is the movement of people or goods from place to place. People need transport to get to work, to shop, or to go on holiday. Transportation is ...
Entry last updated: 15/01/25Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)
<On 10 July 1985, explosions on board the Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior sunk the ship in the Waitemata Harbour in Auckland. The ship had just taken part ...
Entry last updated: 11/12/24Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
Sailing is the use of sails and wind to move a boat forward on a sea, river or lake. People in Aotearoa New Zealand have been sailing for hundreds of years. ...
Entry last updated: 29/11/24Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)
New Zealand is a nuclear-free zone, which means no nuclear weapons or nuclear powered ships are allowed in our territory. Find out how New Zealanders protest...
Entry last updated: 17/01/25Around the 9th century AD, Vikings travelled from Scandinavia to raid towns and settlements around Europe and the British Isles. These seafaring warriors fro...
Entry last updated: 6/12/24Captain James Cook was a British sea captain, navigator and explorer. He spent many years sailing around and mapping the South Pacific. He visited New Zeala...
Entry last updated: 21/01/25Lots of events have shaped the Waimakariri District as it is today. Here are some sources you could look at if you'd like to find out about these events.
Entry last updated: 14/05/24This entry has collections and websites to help explore the history of New Zealand's presence and colonial power in the Pacific. It has examples of the rise ...
Entry last updated: 14/05/24Through our histories, lots of things have happened that have had an impact on Christchurch | Ōtautahi. The following resources explore these events and can ...
Entry last updated: 14/05/24