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54 results for Topics and Regional Resources
Olympic Games
Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
The Olympic Games are one of the biggest sporting events in the world. Athletes from hundreds of countries meet to compete for gold, silver, and bronze medal...
Entry last updated: 9/09/24
People of Nelson
Here are some sources you could look at if you'd like to find out about individual people or groups of people from Nelson.
Entry last updated: 14/05/24
Places of Northland
There are many places that are significant to Northland | Te Tai Tokerau. This page will recommend resources to find out about the first capital of New Zeala...
Entry last updated: 17/05/24
Transforming te taiao
This entry will help you find information on the changes made to the environment by pre-European Māori, and their care and connections to te taiao (the natur...
Entry last updated: 14/05/24