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7 results for Topics and Regional Resources
Health and wellbeing are important aspects in our life. Hauora is a Māori view of health unique to New Zealand, and covers the physical, mental, social and s...
Entry last updated: 11/11/24Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
Human rights are simply basic rights that every human is entitled to regardless of their nationality, age, ethnic origin, gender, religion or language. The U...
Entry last updated: 16/01/25Matariki is the Māori name for the star cluster also known as the Pleiades or Seven Sisters in other cultures. The rise of Matariki in mid-winter marks the s...
Entry last updated: 16/01/25Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour of people and groups.
Entry last updated: 6/12/24Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)
To meet our daily nutritional needs we all need to have a balanced diet. Having a balanced diet means choosing a variety of healthy food options during the d...
Entry last updated: 27/01/25This entry will help you find the best websites and databases that explore the history and development of the Māori economy including the challenges Māori fa...
Entry last updated: 14/05/24This entry will help you find information about Māori migration to cities, their challenges, and what this meant for their identity as Māori. You will also f...
Entry last updated: 14/05/24