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12 results for Topics and Regional Resources
Sealers and whalers from around the world started arriving in Aotearoa in the late 1700s. Māori probably didn't hunt whales before the arrival of whalers, bu...
Entry last updated: 16/01/25Lots of events have had an impact on Northland | Te Tai Tokerau. The information sources listed below have information on these events and offer different pe...
Entry last updated: 14/05/24There are many places that are significant to Northland | Te Tai Tokerau. This page will recommend resources to find out about the first capital of New Zeala...
Entry last updated: 17/05/24Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
European settlers began to arrive in New Zealand from 1769. Find out how they arrived, where they came from, what life was like then, and how they interacted...
Entry last updated: 16/01/25Lots of events have had an impact on Marlborough. The recommended websites have information on these events and offer different perspectives.
Entry last updated: 14/05/24Lots of things have happened that have impacted life in South Canterbury. The following resources explore these events and can offer some different perspecti...
Entry last updated: 14/05/24There are many places that are significant to Southland, known as Murihiku in Te Reo Māori. The following websites and museums have information about the his...
Entry last updated: 14/05/24Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
New Zealand is far away from export markets and this has made trading an important part of our economy. In early colonial days, New Zealand exported goods li...
Entry last updated: 16/01/25There are many places that are significant to Marlborough, known as Te Tauihu-o-te-Waka in te reo Māori.
Entry last updated: 14/05/24Many things have happened that have had an impact on Otago. The following resources explore these events and can offer some different perspectives.
Entry last updated: 14/05/24