Current events

Where can I find information about current events?

Junior Secondary

(Years 7-10)

Colour photo of a white NBC News van in St James's Park, London. You can see the Victoria Memorial in the background.

Image: NBC News (6436079251) by Garry Knight on Wikimedia Commons.

Entry last updated: 1/12/23


Current events are ongoing significant political, economic, social and other news happening in a particular country or around the world. We read newspapers, watch television news channels, listen to the radio, or use social media to keep up-to-date with the latest in the news. Sometimes reports can be fake news or biased.

This entry covers the most reliable New Zealand and global websites for current events.

New Zealand sites

Here are some popular news websites from Aotearoa. They cover national and international events in politics, sports, entertainment, Te Ao Māori, and more.

1 News

This is the website of the New Zealand news service that airs on channel 1. It covers news as it happens, sports highlights, world news, entertainment, weather updates and more.

  • The front page is up-to-date with news as it happens.

  • Use the tabs at the top of the page to view news from New Zealand and the around the world.

  • Go to More to read news on Entertainment, Politics, and the Environment.

  • There is also a search option to help you find news items you need to know about.

Tips: Websites that have .com or .co in the address can have good information, but you need to assess how reliable it is. Check the About us link on the website, if you can find one. That can tell you what the company’s mission and values are.

NZ Herald

Owned by New Zealand Media and Entertainment (NZME), NZ Herald has breaking news articles, photos, videos, reviews, analysis, opinions, etc from New Zealand and the world.

  • Go down the page to check out the sections such as Podcast, Video, New Zealand News, Business News, Sports News, and Latest World News.

Tips: You will notice a lot of the articles have 'Premium' written against it. This means these articles can only be read with a subscription (monthly payment). However, other articles are free to read.

Radio New Zealand (RNZ)

RNZ is New Zealand's independent public service and Crown entity with a specific role in Civil Defence in the event of a disaster. It also has three national networks (RNZ National, RNZ Concert and the AM network) to relay up-to-date news on current affairs, sports, politics, business, etc in New Zealand and around the world.

  • Go down the page to explore sections such as the Latest news bulletin, Featured stories, Comment & Analysis, and more.

  • Use the Search feature to enter keywords for a current event.

  • Use the tab called Pacific to access the latest online news archives, podcasts, and live audio programmes on the Pacific.

Tips: Many web pages have links to further information or to other recommended sites. Following these links is a great way to find out more.

Te Ao Māori News

  • Te Ao - Māori News is part of Whakaata Māori. It is Aotearoa's leading Māori news provider. It is focused on delivering a more inclusive approach to Māori news and includes a te ao Māori perspective.

  • Use the tabs to explore the news items or use the search feature to look for news reports.

  • Go to Regional to find out news about regions such as Waikato.

Tips: Not sure what a te reo Māori word means? You can use the Te Aka Māori Dictionary or Paekupu to search for the meaning.


Stuff is the newspaper website for the Fairfax group of newspapers in New Zealand. It has national news, world news, business, opinion, sports, entertainment, etc.

  • Use the Menu at the top left of the page to select a section you want to know about.

  • Go down the page to explore sections such as editors' picks, national, world, pou tiaki, and more.

  • At the end of the page is our network. These are links to online regional newspapers such as The Post, The Southland Times, and more.

Tips: Some websites have advertisements (or ads) which ask us to buy something or tell us to ‘click here’. It’s best to ignore these ads and focus on the information we’re looking for.

General websites

These international news websites carry breaking news for global events as they happen, and other news events making headlines around the world.

BBC News

This is the website of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) containing international news coverage as well as British and world business, technology, science, entertainment, arts, and health news.

  • The home page has reports on events currently unfolding or developing.

  • Use the tabs at the top of the page to view news on important news events like the Climate, regional news like Asia and UK, or views on Culture, Worklife, and more.

  • Use the search feature to enter keywords for what you're interested in eg 'refugees'.

  • This will bring up the news in chronological order.

Tips: Search words, or keywords, are the most important words in our question. You can leave out small words like ‘the’ and ‘of’ and just choose the main ones, eg refugees. We can always change our keywords or add more if we need to.


Cable News Network (CNN) is an international news service from the United States. It is owned by Warner Bros.

  • Use the menu on the top left corner of the page to go to World news, US politics, Business, Markets, and other news sections.

  • You will also find an option to read the news in Arabic and Spanish.

  • At the top of the page is the word Trending. These are links to popular news items.

  • Go down to view current news items from around the globe.

Tips: The Live TV option is available only in the United States of America.

Al Jazeera

This website is part of Al Jazeera, an independent news network that covers news, live debates on issues, documentaries, opinions, and investigations related to the Middle East and the Arab world.

  • Use the tabs at the top of the page to go to your area of interest.

  • Go to News to select a region of the world you are interested in knowing about.

  • Select the tab Live to watch news and documentaries on current events.

Tips: You may see a message about cookies on this website. Cookies are a kind of data collector that is used by some websites to collect information about their users.

The Guardian

This news organisation which began in 1821, belongs to the Guardian Media Group. Their About Us link says that they are an independent group free from political and commercial influence.

  • The front page features Live news on significant events that are happening, and other headline news.

  • Use the tabs at the top of the page to go to other news features.

  • Remember to explore More to find links such as podcasts, and The Observer — a sister paper to The Guardian.

Tips: It’s worth checking out what other major news sites have on a topic to get a balanced and unbiased view of news items.


Founded in 1851, Reuters is a global news agency guided by the Trust Principles, which say that Reuters must report the news with integrity, independence, and freedom from bias.

  • Select the tab on World to browse news from nine regions around the world.

  • Choose from the tabs to explore areas such as Business and Markets.

  • Go to the end of the page to Reuters Fact Check, a department within Reuters with the main aim to fact check visual material and claims posted on social media.

Fake news

Not all information online is true. Some websites share unreliable information (including photos or videos), or information that is made up or written in a way that is unfair. The following websites will help you find out how to spot fake news.


Netsafe is an online safety organisation that supports and advises parents, schools and young people on how to be safe online while making use of the internet and its opportunities.

  • Search for 'fake news'.

  • Choose an article to read.

  • How to spot fake news has information about types of misinformation.

Your News Bulletin

This is an online trainer put together by Netsafe and Facebook to help people spot fake news.


Here are some books about mainstream news, news sources, and how to spot fake news. Look for these titles and others in your public or school library

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