Sign language (junior)
Where can I find information about sign language?
(Years 1-4)

Image: Sign Language (4234921250) by Alex Proimos on WikimediaCommons.
Entry last updated: 2/12/24
Sign language is the use of hands, body movements and face expressions to talk to people. The signs stand for letters, words or ideas and are used by people who cannot hear or who are hard of hearing. New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) is one of the official languages in Aotearoa New Zealand.
General websites
Here are some websites with lots of videos to teach you about sign language, and how to learn and use it.
This website is from Deaf Education New Zealand. You will notice they have lots of videos on learning sign language, subjects in New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) and more.
Choose Storytime to watch stories told in sign language.
Or watch videos from Learn NZSL to learn New Zealand Sign Language.
First Signs is from Deaf Aotearoa. This website will help you learn sign language for different words along with lots of fun activities.
Go to Learn Sign from the top of the page.
There is also Stories, Rhymes and Celebrations with videos on camping, road safety, water play and more.
Select Resources from the top of the page and find useful links like First Signs Vocabulary Booklet.
Tips: This website is useful for you and for your family. Go to How it Works and About Us to understand how everyone at home can learn New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL).
Britannica School is one of the EPIC databases. EPIC is a collection of databases that covers lots of different topics. It has been put together especially for New Zealand school students.
Enter 'sign language' into the search box at the top of the page.
Choose sign language to read about sign language and how it began.
Remember to explore the images like the ones on American Sign Language and British Sign Language.
Tips: To get to the EPIC resources you will need a password from your school librarian first. Or you can chat with one of our AnyQuestions librarians between 1 and 6 pm Monday to Friday and they will help you online. Some EPIC databases may also be available through your public library.
You can find books on sign language at your school or local public library. Here are some to help you begin your search:
Animals by Jenny Chapman.
Home by Jenny Chapman.
Family by Jenny Chapman.
Children's visual communication dictionary = Te reo Rotarota, he papakupu mā te hunga tamariki : New Zealand Sign Language - Māori - English by Voice Thru Your Hands.
SCIS no. 5414569