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350 results for Topics and Regional Resources
Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)
Classical music has developed and changed over hundreds of years. Music from each of the four main eras has a distinct sound as composers experimented with e...
Entry last updated: 16/01/25Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
Sailing is the use of sails and wind to move a boat forward on a sea, river or lake. People in Aotearoa New Zealand have been sailing for hundreds of years. ...
Entry last updated: 29/11/24Years are split into seasons. In many places, such as New Zealand, there are four seasons. They are spring, summer, autumn (or fall), and winter. In tropical...
Entry last updated: 22/01/25Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
World War One, also known as the First World War or the Great War, lasted from 1914 until 1918. During these four years, daily life changed for everyone invo...
Entry last updated: 28/01/25Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
Hōne Heke (Hōne Wiremu Heke Pōkai) was a Māori leader from the Ngāpuhi iwi, born in the early 1800s in the far north of New Zealand Aotearoa. He was known fo...
Entry last updated: 17/01/25Junior Secondary (Years 7 - 10)
On 13 September 1975, around 5000 people marched from Te Hāpua in the North Island down to Parliament in Wellington. This Māori land march or hīkoi (march) l...
Entry last updated: 17/01/25Health and wellbeing are important aspects in our life. Hauora is a Māori view of health unique to New Zealand, and covers the physical, mental, social and s...
Entry last updated: 11/11/24Kapa haka is a traditional Māori performing art involving waiata (songs), dance and chanting. Kapa haka is performed by groups on a marae and in a variety of...
Entry last updated: 22/01/25A year is split into seasons. In places, such as New Zealand, there are four seasons. They are spring, summer, autumn (or fall), and winter. In tropical area...
Entry last updated: 2/12/24Senior Secondary (Years 11 - 13)
1080 is a poison that has been used in New Zealand since the 1950s to control the populations of invasive species such as possums, rats, stoats, deer and rab...
Entry last updated: 11/11/24